Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tea Tree Mouthwash Can Tea Trea Oil Be Used After A Tooth Extraction?

Can Tea Trea oil be used after a tooth extraction? - tea tree mouthwash

I had a tooth extraction 36 hours and gums are very painful. I'm afraid to be from May-infection. I was told, no mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide, used two weeks after the extraction. I assume that the peroxide or mouthwash can cause a blood clot breaks off, but what is mixed with tea tree oil with water? The portion of the tooth broke off and drew a few years ago, but I recently retired the last fragment in 36 hours. He told me it was absessed but said he does not always have an antibiotic than me and gave me some before the move. I'd really dig into my gums to get the piece and broke into a little, and it Liitle. He said he has all, but I see things white / gray up there, and I can not say whether the bones and teeth (gums).

1 comment:

Brittany said...

The tea tree oil should not be used on open wounds period. It would be like mouthwash. Painful! Just gargle with warm salt water - this will help to heal and to keep bacteria away.

When I got my wisdom teeth, I use warm salt water several times a day. Even though I sometimes have a toothache, which removes

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